Dana Chan


Product Design & Illustration

Portfolio | LinkedIn | Instagram

Sunnyvale, CA

At the core of their work, Dana is passionate about creating spaces for marginalized people to heal and transform themselves. More specifically: 

  • disability justice & accessibility 

  • youth empowerment, specifically of low income youth of color 

  • queer liberation (that prioritizes the most marginalized, i.e. liberation for more than just cis, white, high income, or able-bodied queers)

As a person that exists at many margins—identifying as a queer, disabled, mentally ill, East Asian non-binary femme, Dana sees how much their communities and they struggle to survive. Thus, the work they are passionate about strives to alleviate traumas and burdens and create space for all to live freely, and exist wholly. Design for Dana is about breaking down barriers and creating access. Lately they have been interested in how to create access for marginalized people to understand, talk about, and work through lived experiences.


Adam Chagani


Ángel López