Crystal Torres

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Product Design

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Los Angeles, CA

Crystal is a Latina Product Designer from Los Angeles, CA. She received a B.A. in Computer Science from Brown University in 2018.

She believes in the importance of inclusivity and wants to create impactful designs that can help create a better future for everyone, especially underrepresented groups. They want to use their designs in some way, shape, or form to advocate for minorities and highlight the importance of individual empowerment. Since graduating, she has been involved with InnerCity Struggle, a non-profit organization in East LA that empowers and politically educates the Eastside Community. Growing up in East LA, she noticed the disinvestment in her community, so she advocates for changes in public policies that will help provide minorities with better opportunities.

In her free time, she takes her dog Chibi for walks, fills herself up with fruit, and hopelessly waits for the next Paramore album.


Carmela Wilkins


Ellie Bazurto